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Courses and Guided Retreats

When booking program dates we ask for payment in full to confirm reservation

Holding Space - Vessel Making March

Holding Space - Vessel Making March

26th March 2025

Holding Space

The practice of ‘Holding space’ refers to the act of being fully present. A conscious effort to maintain a safe accepting environment, free from distractions, where you can listen attentively to the other be that someone else or the still small voice of God.

After a day of meditative making, you will have your own vessel to take home to hold space or whatever you choose to place in it.

Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter

15th - 20th April

You are so welcome at the Bield to participate in our Holy week retreat. It will be a spacious time to allow for individual reflection on the meaning for you of this special season but there will also be times of sharing and exploring together. If you wish you can arrange to share one-to-one with one of the pastoral team

You are welcome to come for as much or as little of Holy Week and the Easter weekend as you wish. It has been

Normal charges apply no extra cost for holy week activities
Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Spring

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Spring

22nd April 2025

“If you stand still for a few minutes in the relentless onward rush of 21st century life you might hear a quiet but insistent undercurrent. It is the cry of our hearts for space and time just to be, to listen to the heartbeat of creation, to let our souls catch up. Quiet gardens offer just such longed-for oases of peace. They open up once more what all our busy-ness has buried – the precious gift of heart-time and soul-space.”

Margaret Silf – patron of The Quiet Garden Movement

Enneagram Introduction Day - May

Enneagram Introduction Day - May

3rd May 2025

“To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift.” - Wrote Aldous Huxley “Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves

Based on ancient philosophic traditions, the Enneagram is a tool that describes nine different characters. This will help you understand the personality types of yourself and others.

£65 - includes lunch and hot drinks
Holding Space - Vessel Making - May

Holding Space - Vessel Making - May

07th May 2025

Holding Space

The practice of ‘Holding space’ refers to the act of being fully present. A conscious effort to maintain a safe accepting environment, free from distractions, where you can listen attentively to the other be that someone else or the still small voice of God.

After a day of meditative making, you will have your own vessel to take home to hold space or whatever you choose to place in it.

Multiday Silent Retreat - May

Multiday Silent Retreat - May

21-23rd May 2025 

Why silence?

Most people have a yearning for tranquillity and peace. By taking part in a silent retreat, you will have the opportunity to draw back from the normal routines and busyness of life to reflect and allow space for new encounters.

£65 – one day, £160 – two day (1 night), £255 – Three day (2 nights)
One Day Silent Retreat - May

One Day Silent Retreat - May

21st May 2025

Why silence?

Most people have a yearning for tranquillity and peace. By taking part in a silent retreat, you will have the opportunity to draw back from the normal routines and busyness of life to reflect and allow space for new encounters.

Wellness Day for NHS Staff  - May

Wellness Day for NHS Staff - May

29th May 2025

Wellness Days for NHS staff

Why not join others from the NHS and come and spend a day at the beautiful Bield to slow down, relax and unwind?

The last few years have been challenging for many NHS employees with unprecedented pressures, stress and anxiety affecting energy levels and people’s sense of wellbeing. 

This day is for those who would like to take some time out and tend to their own wellbeing.

£65 - NHS Tayside staff need to bring a voucher from their wellness coordinator for free entry
Going Deeper with the Enneagram

Going Deeper with the Enneagram

28th June 2025

The Purpose of the workshop is to work within the context of personal growth. Having done the groundwork to discover which Enneagram type we feel best described by, in this next workshop we seek to go deeper and learn something of how we can use this information as a basis for our personal growth in self-knowledge and compassion with a view to become a better functioning person in everyday life, and a more compassionate one

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Summer

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Summer

8th July 2025

“If you stand still for a few minutes in the relentless onward rush of 21st century life you might hear a quiet but insistent undercurrent. It is the cry of our hearts for space and time just to be, to listen to the heartbeat of creation, to let our souls catch up. Quiet gardens offer just such longed-for oases of peace. They open up once more what all our busy-ness has buried – the precious gift of heart-time and soul-space.”

Margaret Silf – patron of The Quiet Garden Movement

Body Prayer Capacitar Wellness Taster - July

Body Prayer Capacitar Wellness Taster - July

9th July 2025

The practices help transform stress and pain deriving from illness, violence, and the stresses of daily life and open the individual up towards greater wholeness and wellbeing. As individuals get in touch

with their own source of healing and wisdom they can help others.

One Day Silent Retreat - August

One Day Silent Retreat - August

07 August 2025

Why silence?

Most people have a yearning for tranquillity and peace. By taking part in a silent retreat, you will have the opportunity to draw back from the normal routines and busyness of life to reflect and allow space for new encounters.

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Autumn

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Autumn

30th September 2025

“If you stand still for a few minutes in the relentless onward rush of 21st century life you might hear a quiet but insistent undercurrent. It is the cry of our hearts for space and time just to be, to listen to the heartbeat of creation, to let our souls catch up. Quiet gardens offer just such longed-for oases of peace. They open up once more what all our busy-ness has buried – the precious gift of heart-time and soul-space.”

Margaret Silf – patron of The Quiet Garden Movement

Body Prayer Capacitar Wellness Taster - October

Body Prayer Capacitar Wellness Taster - October

4th October 2025

The practices help transform stress and pain deriving from illness, violence, and the stresses of daily life and open the individual up towards greater wholeness and wellbeing. As individuals get in touch

with their own source of healing and wisdom they can help others.

Holding Space - Vessel Making October

Holding Space - Vessel Making October

8th October 2025

Holding Space

The practice of ‘Holding space’ refers to the act of being fully present. A conscious effort to maintain a safe accepting environment, free from distractions, where you can listen attentively to the other be that someone else or the still small voice of God.

After a day of meditative making, you will have your own vessel to take home to hold space or whatever you choose to place in it.

Advanced Enneagram

Advanced Enneagram

18th October 2025

The Purpose of the workshop is to work within the context of personal growth. Having done the initial Enneagram groundwork and gone deeper, in this next workshop we seek to explore spiritual growth via upstream and downstream exercises. We then will be studying the concept of the Soul Child and delve into deeper waters of what we most judge.

One Day Silent Retreat - October

One Day Silent Retreat - October

28th October 2025

Why silence?

Most people have a yearning for tranquillity and peace. By taking part in a silent retreat, you will have the opportunity to draw back from the normal routines and busyness of life to reflect and allow space for new encounters.

Multiday Silent Retreat - Nov

Multiday Silent Retreat - Nov

25-27th November 2025

Why silence?

Most people have a yearning for tranquillity and peace. By taking part in a silent retreat, you will have the opportunity to draw back from the normal routines and busyness of life to reflect and allow space for new encounters.

£65 – one day, £160 – two day (1 night), £255 – Three day (2 nights)
Holding Space - Vessel Making December

Holding Space - Vessel Making December

3rd December 2025

Holding Space

The practice of ‘Holding space’ refers to the act of being fully present. A conscious effort to maintain a safe accepting environment, free from distractions, where you can listen attentively to the other be that someone else or the still small voice of God.

After a day of meditative making, you will have your own vessel to take home to hold space or whatever you choose to place in it.

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Winter

Seasonal Quiet Garden Day Winter

9th December 2025

“If you stand still for a few minutes in the relentless onward rush of 21st century life you might hear a quiet but insistent undercurrent. It is the cry of our hearts for space and time just to be, to listen to the heartbeat of creation, to let our souls catch up. Quiet gardens offer just such longed-for oases of peace. They open up once more what all our busy-ness has buried – the precious gift of heart-time and soul-space.”

Margaret Silf – patron of The Quiet Garden Movement


Scottish Charity SC 027462

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