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Multiday Silent Retreat - May

Multiday Silent Retreat - May

21-23rd May 2025 

10:00 on arrival day - 16:00 on departure day

£65 – one day, £160 – two day (1 night), £255 – Three day (2 nights)

Why silence?

Most people have a yearning for tranquillity and peace. By taking part in a silent retreat, you will have the opportunity to draw back from the normal routines and busyness of life to reflect and allow space for new encounters.

An introduction to ways of stilling yourself and prayer materials will be provided. All ways of praying are a means of developing or deepening your relationship with God. There will also be opportunities for creative expression, if desired.

During the retreat there is an invitation to meet with a guide, who may help as a ‘sounding board’, helping to listen for God’s presence in the circumstances of your life.

Silence holds open a space where people can journey deeper into their own relationship with God and creation.

“It was said of Abba Agathon that for three years he carried a stone in his mouth, until he learnt to keep silence.’ - Desert Wisdom

A space to share some of your experience at the end of your retreat, if you so wish, is also offered but, otherwise, participants remain in silence. Other guests may be around who are not in silence, but you will have support to stay in silence yourself.

We suggest that you wear warm, comfortable clothing, as you might like to go for a walk in the grounds (Wellies are a good idea if it’s wet). A journal and pen may also be helpful.

I look behind me and you're there, then up ahead and you're there too - your reassuring presence, coming and going. - Psalm 139: 4-5

“First, silence makes us pilgrims. Second, silence guards the fire within. Thirdly, silence teaches us to speak.” - H Nouwen


Pastoral Team

Multiday Silent Retreat - May

Silent retreats are facilitated by The Bield Pastoral Team members, who are experienced in spiritual accompanying, listening and retreat leading.

Scottish Charity SC 027462

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