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Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter

15th - 20th April

Normal charges apply no extra cost for holy week activities

You are so welcome at the Bield to participate in our Holy week retreat. It will be a spacious time to allow for individual reflection on the meaning for you of this special season but there will also be times of sharing and exploring together. If you wish you can arrange to share one-to-one with one of the pastoral team

You are welcome to come for as much or as little of Holy Week and the Easter weekend as you wish. It has been

Each day will follow a pattern of reflective morning and evening prayer followed by some gentle movements for wellbeing and healing. In the afternoons there will be activities offered such as a guided meditative walk, exploring the labyrinth, Easter poetry. The programmed activities are optional of course and at any time you can visit the art space where some suggestions for what to do at Eastertide will be available, explore the grounds and swimming pool or do whatever will meet you at your point of need.

The three special days of Easter from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday will have a distinct rhytm including a shared Passover Meal on Maundy Thursday evening followed by a vigil fire, a silent day on Good Friday from morning prayer till afternoon tea time. On Saturday there will be time for waiting and mourning as well as for the Great Vigil Easter Liturgy in the evening, We will celebrate together on Easter Sunday with a sunrise service and later Eucharist and lunch. A few individuals living locally may come to some of the joint events.

“And so the time comes to let you go again and let God do the divine metamorphosis.”

from Passiontideby Michael Coffey

Special Services

Maundy Thursday,  Gather at 5.30 pm for meal at 6.00p.m.

Passover Meal (Seder) in the Jewish tradition followed by a vigil bonfire

Good Friday

11:30a.m. Good Friday Service

5.00p.m.Passion music for Good Friday

Easter Saturday

15th to 20th April9:00a.m. Meditation on Tomb Time

8.00p.m.  Great Vigil service

Easter Sunday

6:00a.m. Easter Sunrise Service

9.30a.m. Easter Communion/Eucharist Service


The Bield Team

Holy Week and Easter

Scottish Charity SC 027462

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